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Analysis of common problemscopper wire drawing oil

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Oil for drawing copper wire and aluminum wire drawing oil is a common wire drawing oil, but sometimes we use in not clear when they also have a lot of problems, we have to analyze the common problems of today, I hope to be helpful for your needs, this is we most want to see. Oxidation of 1 copper wire drawing oil is what?
Copper is easily eroded, oxygen and sulfur forming compounds, so the occurrence of this phenomenon, there may be the following aspects:
(1) anaerobic bacteria;
(2) the annealed copper wire in a certain humidity;
(3) oxygen is present in the annealing process. To avoid this phenomenon, drawing must use the emulsion itself should contain antioxidants, in whole or in part to prevent copper blackening. Protective measures in the final annealing process, will be the most effective.
2 copper wire drawing oil break occurs is what?
When a break occurs, the cause may be in many ways, according to the fracture shape analysis, can generally be divided into two categories, one category is caused by various factors in the drawing process, the two is caused by defects in the casting of copper material, causes related to drawing oil which is mainly lack of lubrication. Lubrication depends on wire drawing oil emulsion and condition of using the formula.


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